Botham Signature Sauvignon Blanc
Lord Botham is very proud of his signature Signature collection of wines.
The Botham Signature Sauvignon Blanc is from South Africa and the grapes are sourced from the cooler climate vineyards in the Western Cape.
This refreshing Sauvignon Blanc wine has a well-balanced acidity and a delicious lingering aftertaste. The wine is crisp and refreshing with a long zesty finish.
Suitable for Vegetarians & Vegans
Lord Botham is arguably one of the greatest cricketers that England has ever produced. Known as an all-rounder of the sport, his bowling skills were as feared by opponents as his batting triumphs were rejoiced by his team-mates and country.
For the last 40 years, Lord Botham has been nurturing one of his other great passions in life – wine and the art of making it.